happiness, a job, standing in the community, are in the balance. Our ever increasing membership is certainly a proof that this fear is unfounded. We've established a firm policy of never asking for a girl's real name and identity. Frankly we don't care where they come from, what their line of work is, or what their address is. The only things that count to be an accepted member of the group are in your own personality. Are you sincere? (We can spot phon- ies a mile away). Are you nice, kind, friendly, discreet? Are you willing to think of others once in a while? Are you helpful, good company? If you are selfish, a me-me-me-me sort of gal, we don't want you. As a matter of feet, the glowing flow of friendliness that runs through the entire group will be felt by you almost imm- ediately. Before you know you'll feel as if they are part of your own family nad that there are no real barriers among us. Strong honda of rod friendship are formed in a short time. Do not for- get that most of the members of the group are fairly well educated people (many college graduates, professional people: lawyers, doc- tora, etc.) You will find respect and decency to satisfy the most hesitant end demanding personality. Our conduct is morally above reproach. Don't forget that some of us have spouses who also visit the resort. 1 can assure you that at any average resort you'll find many activities which are from a moral viewpoint objectionable but which are totally absent at The Chevalier D'Eon.

Now it's time for a bit of gossip. It was really exciting to register the first E-st-West embrace. Virginia, Evelyn and later Joan from the Woet t forged the first personal links between

the two main branetes of tur sorority. It was fun to exchange ideas projects and experienots. After Joan left we found our. big mirrors totally worn and faded. We've had to refinish and re-polish them for her next visit. How that girl loves Joan!!

Eye-scratching and meeowing department:- a) What happened to Edith? Rumor has it that she's quitting the sorority. Only real gals for friends now. b) This really happened. Audrey is coming home from a party, all dolled up. While waiting for a bus, she is approached by a Casanova obviously fooled by her pretty face and good gams. He offers to give her a lift into town. Audrey smiles prettily and says in her best baritone: "Look bud. You've made a mistake. I'm a guy." Casanova turns pale, stammers--excuse me-- jumps in his car and drives off. That's en adventure he won't brag about with his friends. c) Believe it or cot, one of the girls propelled her six foot one frame atop 3 inch heels all over one of the biggest
